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故障不断 全日空将为波音787更换发动机‘c7娱乐游戏’

浏览次数:703     时间:2024-10-08 10:50:01

本文摘要:ANA says it will replace the engines on its fleet of Boeing 787s after a series of engine failures caused by corrosion and fatigue cracking of turbine blades.全日空航空公司回应,由于涡轮机叶片经常出现腐化和裂痕导致的一系列引擎问题,该公司将更换掉旗下所有波音787梦想飞机的引擎。

ANA says it will replace the engines on its fleet of Boeing 787s after a series of engine failures caused by corrosion and fatigue cracking of turbine blades.全日空航空公司回应,由于涡轮机叶片经常出现腐化和裂痕导致的一系列引擎问题,该公司将更换掉旗下所有波音787梦想飞机的引擎。The Japanese airline plans to swap out all 100 Rolls-Royce engines currently used on its 50 Dreamliners. The process could take as long as three years, according to spokesman Yoichi Uchida.据发言人Yoichi Uchida回应,这家日本航空公司计划换成所有波音787梦想飞机当前正在用于的共100个罗尔斯·罗伊斯引擎。这个过程可能会花费三年。

ANA said the engine faults have already led to two cases where an aircraft was forced to return to its departure airport -- Kuala Lumpur and Hanoi. Similar issues affected a third flight in August.全日空回应,引擎问题早已造成了两起事件再次发生--飞机在降落后不得不回到出发地吉隆坡和河内。今年8月又再次发生了第三起类似于事件。Some of the cracks are the result of corrosion caused by chemicals in the atmosphere. ANA said the problem gets worse as an aircraft completes more flights.一些叶片的裂痕是大气中化学物质生锈导致的。全日空回应,飞行中频率低的客机,情况不会显得更加差劲。

The airline has already been forced to cancel 18 flights because of the problem, and more could be affected later this month.有数18个航班因为这个问题而被中止,到本月底,可能会有更加多航班不会受到影响。For now, the engines will be upgraded with brand new turbine blades.现在,这些引擎将不会改版为全新的涡轮机叶片。

Meanwhile, ANA said it is working with Rolls-Royce to find a more permanent solution. Five engines have already been repaired with new turbines.同时,全日空回应,其正在与罗尔斯·罗伊斯公司商谈,寻找一个长年的解决方案。目前有数5架客机披上了新的叶片。We are working very closely with ANA to minimize the impact on their airline operation, Rolls-Royce (RYCEY) said in a statement.罗尔斯·罗伊斯公司在一份声明中回应:“我们于是以和全日空密切合作中,将对客机运营的影响降至低于。



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